"I cannot speak more highly of my consultation with Dr. Robyn Miller. I contacted Robyn after putting off drafting and even thinking about my professional will for the umpteenth time. Robyn was extremely knowledgeable about the process and gave me a fantastic framework and advice to think through how to approach the whole process. I appreciated her thoughtfulness around all the clinical nuances of this process. Most of all, she was extremely compassionate and supportive in helping me think through my emotional barriers to identifying executors and moving forward with drafting the contract. Meeting with Robyn eliminated so much stress and uncertainty for me and would highly recommend her services."

Emma Basch, Ph.D

“When my wife faced a sudden stage IV cancer diagnosis, Robyn was the only person she trusted to serve as her practice executor. During a horrific time, it brought Kim comfort knowing her clients were in good hands—and that the kids and I were protected as well.”

Mick Sutter

"The burden of being a professional executor is very high. I assumed the role of professional executor after the loss of my sister and close colleague. I soon had no choice but to take a leave of absence from my private practice because I was beyond my ability to cope. While being a professional executor for a family member may be uncommon, we do tend to ask our closest colleagues to be our executors. This can put them in a real bind because they must process their own grief while assuming the professional executor role."

Ben Rutt, Ph.D.
